Thank You! (10k)

I woke up today to find that this blog has now generated over 10,000 views, and within the last few days, my first entry in the Dungeon Room Index has gone over 1000 on it's own.

I have no idea if that's "a lot" in the grand scheme of things--I couldn't begin to guess how many views the great blogs of the OSR rake in--but it's certainly more than I had imagined!

So thank you for tuning in. I'm glad that it's providing value to someone.

Have a great day!


  1. My new favourite blog!

    1. Thanks for saying so! It really does keep me motivated.

    2. Really is. It’s inspired me to start designing again, for the current BECMI campaign

  2. I'm glad to hear it! I love your blog, I check it often and have read all your posts. They're such a wealth of resources and I love the marker highlighting, it's a great way to add emphasis and detail without getting too crazy with it and I've started using it myself!! Keep up the awesome work


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