Dungeon Room Index: Hallways

(I will no longer robotically announce what I did last time; there's a page now; use that!) I'm doing Hallways! Ha! I bet you think those aren't rooms, but my brain caught an itch and I must follow this inspiration. Here's the thing though; hallways are different enough that I don't know that I can really follow my usual shtick of just dumping the drawings up front. Instead, let's talk a bit about hallways. Hallways as "whitespace" In practice, hallways are often an afterthought. So much so, that the definition of "hallway" in a dungeon could nearly be "everything that's not the rooms; y'know... where actual stuff is". Like the whitespace (greyspace?) on this page. You don't generally key hallways when writing your dungeon content. As a result, there are even a lot of dungeon generators out there that elide thinking about hallways into little more than "draw a line between these two rooms". And you know wha...